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“Establishing Partnerships Worldwide to Enhance Nursing Education, Research, and Training”
The Office of Executive Education and Strategic Alliances (EESA) offers the best of SON’s expertise: advancing nursing and health care worldwide with specialized, evidence based programs and products which leverage and expand the scholarship of the SON.
Our Executive Education unit offers creative and unique learning opportunities in nursing leadership, aging, research, education, domestic violence, clinical practice, inter professional education, and much more. Our cutting-edge programs are presented to local, national, and global communities through state-of-the art learning methods.
Strategic Alliances develops high value relationships with domestic and international universities, hospitals and corporations to enhance SON's mission of improving the quality and value of healthcare locally and globally.
Together, EESA provides global educational and training offerings which enhance the stellar reputation of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing.

Chicago Parent Program Group Leader Training
Upcoming 2-day workshop designed for early-childhood educators, school-based counselors, parent aids, physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals working with parents of young children ages 2-5 years old.

Training facilitators include world renowned experts from simulation, pediatric critical care and resuscitation. This 2-day training will utilize high-fidelity simulation scenarios to reinforce management of critical care emergencies including the leadership role.

JOhns Hopkins RAPID Psychological First Aid
When crisis and disaster strike a healthcare facility, a house of worship, a school, a business workplace, or a community at large, there's more than physical injures that demand urgent attention. The burden of psychological distress and injury will far outweigh and outlast physical distress.
Professional programs are offered with different learning pathways with specific learning experiences as participants progress in their education.
- Instruments & Interventions
Instruments and Interventions highlight faculty programs that have been derived from research.
Programs: Chicago Parent Program, Community Aging in Place- Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE)
- Online Learning
Offerings are provided solely through online delivery enabling us to deliver programs worldwide.
Programs: Community Aging in Place- Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE), Core Concepts for Clinical Preceptors & Faculty, Research Coordination Orientation, 中国电信国际出口是否存在网速问题? - 知乎:2021-8-13 · 题主是爬梯子大户,应该是从13年末开始,手上美国各地vps都开始网速变慢。 受不了,开始转亚洲vps。然后14年亚洲又开始沦陷了,晚上仅仅算是能用的水平,这事在各大码农社区基本达成共识,但大家一直没发现电信方面的回应。
- Face-to-Face LearningOfferings in a face-to-face format include for-credit and non-credit courses, workshops, institutes, academies, and conferences. These programs provide valuable opportunities for faculty driven, specialized content delivery.
Programs: 2022最近翻墙出不去 Chicago Parent Program, 注册Vultr购买国外VPS众及远程ssh连接服务器教程 - Vien ...:2021-10-28 · 注册Vultr购买国外VPS众及远程ssh连接服务器教程 2021-10-28 12:06:50 VPS Vultr ... Server Type,就是选择操作系统,推荐选择ubuntu18.04,因为关于本站搭梯子的相关博客 shadowsocks、outline ... Thriving in an Academic Career - Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)No longer just a tool for free education on health-related topics, the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing’s (JHUSON) MOOCs are now offering low-cost Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) contact hours. These programs are co-provided by the School of Nursing and the Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing (IJHN). IJHN is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation.
- 如何使用梯子观看国外视频Investigating and researching new institutional and corporate partnerships in order to develop research projects and unique training opportunities worldwide. Collaborating with Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures to facilitate connections and assist with business opportunities across the Johns Hopkins Enterprise
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